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  • Digital School ERP Software in 2024
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Digital School ERP Software

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Online School Management System Software

School ERP software is a robust, time-tested educational ERP system integrated with the advanced modules to enable faculty & educators to digitize the daily work processes of educational institutions. Also referred to as a school management system, the Digital School ERP software simplifies the complex administrative & non-administrative tasks including online admission, online fees management, examination management, assessments, timetable, schedule planning, teaching-learning, etc. Thus, the benefits of the school management system are numerous in terms of improving productivity, efficiency & ROI.
School management software is designed to track and record the administrative work of schools and educational institutions. It has all the modules that help faculty and staff to maintain all student records like managing academic records, fees management, timetable management, and all other required information of the institution. Overall it is specially designed to manage all the administrative work of schools and institutions.
Digital School Management ERP aims at easing administrative hassles and enhancing efficiency, and productivity. The solution is cloud based and supports various modern technologies. School management software is agile and can be tailored according to the requirements of the institution.

Why you select Digital School ?

Digital School believes that true breakthroughs in advancement are achieved when administrative and managerial activities in an educational institution are automated. As school administrators need to manage activities like online admission, fees management, examination management, etc while keeping a tab on daily students & faculty activities, their efficiency & overall productivity; the need to digitize the work processes with a school management system software is paramount.

Benefits Of School Management System

The following list depicts the top benefits of the school management system.

  1. Empower teachers & students through the E-learning platform
  2. Keep parents & students in the connectivity loop at all times, through SMS, & mobile apps
  3. Go paperless, digitize administrative & non-administrative tasks
  4. Generate 100% accurate reports with ERP school software
  5. Reduce the monotonous task of your administrative department
  6. Track student en route, to and from home in real-time
  7. Elegant website presence, to showcase your school’s vision and mission for education

Digital School : Best School Management Software

  1. Trusted by 500+ Schools / Colleges
  2. Fast Start / No Setup Required
  3. WhatsApp Message Integration
  4. Digital Bell System
  5. Unlimited Student Support
  6. Multiple Computer / Mobile Support
  7. Fast Online Support
  8. Integrated Attendance System
  9. Video / Photo Gallery on Dynamic Website
  10. Regular New Updates with prompt support
  11. Easy to Learn (Just in 15-30 Minutes)
  12. Saperate Operator / Manager Account
  13. Attendance Support - Send Student's Absent / Present SMS to Guardian

Features Of School ERP Software

Multi-user functionality

The ERP school software solution provides the facility of usage of online school ERP by multiple members based on their roles, by logging in thus, avoiding overburdening. The entire staff and faculty of the school can manage activities and modules assigned to them through their login.


The User Interface of ERP school software being easy to use and quite interactive facilitates different users at school to manage operations efficiently without any technical help from an engineer.

Customizable Modules and Role

Role provided are interlinked and customizable i.e. can be tailored according to the requirements of each users. The administrative head of the school can have access to all operations that are being processed, tabulated, or recorded.

Data security and Backup

A cloud based service saves data on cloud instead of saving it on decentralized databases hence, the data can be retrieved easily. Backup of data is automatic and the school doesn’t have to invest in hardware to store data.

SMS Integration

The ERP school software SMS to parents, guardians about the fee receipt, fee pending & day-to-day activities of their wards. SMS inform parents/guardians about events, examinations, attendance, reports, and homework.

Online Result / TC

You can generate the results & T.C. using School Management ERP Software system. Digital School offer online verification of all the results and TC. Any one can verify the document on school website.

School Management Software with Dynamic Website

School Management software comes with a fully cotrolled dynamic website of that school. School website is free of cast along with software. Website comes with many useful features like Video Gallery, Photo Gallery, TC verification, result verification e.t.c.

Cost and energy saving

A cloud based service has the expedience to generate reports, receipts, and challans through the software. The reports can be exported in PDF, Excel, and other formats.

Transport Location Management

Advance Dashboard Control

Free Dynamic Website

Video / Image Gallery with Sharing

Fee Receipt with Photo & QR Code

Fee Pending - List, Slip, SMS

Admit Card

Advance Result System

Staff Salary Management

SMS System
Bulk SMS

Complete Account Management

Software Tutorials

FAQs on School ERP Software

What is a School Management Software?

School management software is an information management system used by educational institutions to manage all student's record. A school management software is a system which is designed to manage & simplify the day-to-day administrative & non-administrative tasks of a school. School management software enables schools to monitor daily activities like daily attendance, timetable management, etc. from a single centralized platform. From managing online admissions, assigning homework, assessments, examination management, finance and payroll management, and library management, the school ERP software offers various modules for complete campus administration & enables educators to make quick & thoughtful decisions that enhance student & faculty performance & drive institutional growth.

How Much Does a School Management ERP Software Cost?

On an average, the price of school ERP software in India falls in the range of 100 to 250 Rs Per Student Per Year. This is very castly if your school have 200+ student. Digital School offers a fixed price ERP solution with unlimited student facility.

How can Schools benefit from School Software?

By generating reguler fee pendency report and sending SMS, school can control the fee pendency. Online TC & Result also stop the fraud. School Management ERP also control the financial fraud which fee counter can perform while collection the fee.

What School ERP Modules Digital School Offers?

Being the largest & oldest educational ERP providers in India, Digital Bharat offers the following facilities to ensure best practices in schools.

  1. Enquiry Management
  2. Transport Location Management
  3. Vehicle Management
  4. Student Fee Discount
  5. Fee receipt in multi installment
  6. Fee Pendency Report / SMS
  7. Bulk / Auto SMS
  8. Daily account report
  9. Exam Admit Card
  10. Exam Result with Online verification
  11. T.C. with Online verification
  12. Multiple user - role control
  13. Profit & Loss / Balance Sheet
  14. Parent, Student, Teacher Login Portal
  15. Mobile App for Online Study / Homework
  16. Online Exam with Mobile App.... & much more


You will work on your server

With Digital School - Your Software will run over your personal school's sever, where we also host your website. Unlike other software, this is much safe.

Alert System

Software has built-in SMS integration

Digital School Software will come with SMS alert system. system will send alert for studet's admission, fee receiving, BULK sms and other information

Bar Code in Print

Result, Fee Receipt with Bar Code

Software will print most of the printing document like Result, Fee receipt, TC e.t.c. with supported QR-Code system which will help to verify the document

Reporting System

Software will give you various report

Digital School Software will give you all the necessery report like fee pending report e.t.c., which are important to you for smooth function of school


Result automation helps to reduce work

DigitalSchool will make the Final Result automaticly with percentage, class rank, subject wise grade,

Multi Login

Support multiple login togather

School Management System supports multiple login so that you can login on multiple computer simulteniously in case to cover work load.

Client's Testimoneals

Our customer's are the best evaluator of our work


I personally having technical background, found this software very helpful and secured. The company's service is fast and satisfactory.

J. K. Verma (MCA)
God Grace School, Siwan

Assurance of quaity for product and support

  1. Digital School is ISO 9001 certified
  2. The quality of product us now certified
  3. After sales support is also certified
  4. In any problem, Maximum wait time for solution is 20 Minutes
  5. Free updates after sales
  6. Help anyone to learn the software
  7. Anyone can use this after just 10 minute training

Easy to Learn

School Management System is very easy to learn. You computer operator / teacher can operate is frequently just after simple an hour of learning session


स्कूल मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम लगवाने के बाद कार्य काफी तेज हो गया है. इनका रिजल्ट सिस्टम भी बहुत अच्छा कार्य कर रहा है. प्रिंटिंग के साथ - बार कोड भी आने के कारण बच्चों में कौतुहाल है और पैरेंट भी इसकी सराहना कर रहे हैं.

Avinash Sir, Arian Public School